Exhibition: Nesting – A Sense of Home


Onca Gallery 6th January – 24th January, Private View: Friday 8th January 7.30pm – 9.00pm

What does ‘home’ mean? How do we ‘nest’ and what happens when our ability to nest is compromised?

In January 2016, environmental artist Jill Parsons will be exploring these questions, working with those in temporary or impermanent accommodation, travellers and the homeless. Together they will create a forest of fragile ceramic nests downstairs at the ONCA Gallery. Each nest will be made by a participant, and as they work, they will share their story to create a soundtrack weaving together tales of home; homes lost, homes loved and homes created from nothing.

Meanwhile in the main space, artist and activist Ellen Mulcrone will be working primarily with willow and found objects from around Brighton, weaving together a human-sized nest-like space for people to enter and contemplate the concept of home, and what that means for them. Displayed within will be a variety of people’s stories telling their relationship with home.

The exhibit will also feature work from artistsat local charity Just Life, who have attended workshops with Inclusive Artist Layla Hignell-Tully and Arts Researcher Heather McKnight from Magnetic Ideals. These pieces will explore the themes of what home means and what it means to feel out of place.

What Is Home? from Ell En on Vimeo.

Directions and Opening Hours

Ellen Mulcrone weaves together a human-sized nest-like space for people to enter and contemplate the concept of home…

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