Magnetic Ideals support the Climate Destruction is Child Abuse Declaration – a document compiled by international professionals in child rights and protection. You can follow the Generations Together campaign on twitter @ClimateAbuse. The Declaration is to stimulate public awareness and discussion. Please read and sign this important declaration!
As governments prepare for COP-27, the world continues to hope that they will act to remedy the currently inadequate national and international response to climate change, which already adversely impacts people and species everywhere. Up to this point, governments have continued to support fossil fuel production despite widespread public mobilization, an exponential increase in global greenhouse gas emissions, and scientists’ warnings that time is running out to ward off mounting catastrophe.
Unjustly, the global climate crisis has been driven primarily by wealthy nations’ industrialization and consumption, while its injuries fall disproportionately and most harshly on those who have least contributed to it: low-income nations and communities, Indigenous communities, communities of color, and children. Accumulating studies and real world experience indicate that due to physical and developmental factors, children are the most vulnerable to death, illness, and injury from direct and indirect impacts of climate change. They are its primary victims and they are aware of this fact, as their mounting protests attest. Recent research reports that young people feel abandoned and betrayed by adult disinterest and ineptness in dealing with this crisis that is profoundly threatening their current and future well-being. This despair feeds and exacerbates the widespread mental health problems that increasingly afflict the young. The detrimental effect of climate change on children has led many in the professional communities dedicated to children’s health, protection, and rights to classify government and corporate contributions to climate change and their failures to prevent and mitigate its harms as a form of violence against children. It is child abuse.
You can download the full discussion paper below.
You can sign the declaration here:
You can view the current signature list here: