Monthly Archives: June 2024

New Lead Researcher @ Magnetic Ideals!

Chris Kuzmicki presenting at Sonic Rebellions II (2024)

Image – Chris Kuzmicki presenting at Sonic Rebellions II (2024)

We are very excited to take on Chris Kuzmicki as a Social Researcher for the coming year at Magnetic Ideals! Since its inception, Chris has been involved in Magnetic Ideals, co-chairing our board and co-writing our constitution. He has consulted on numerous projects for us, including research for developing an accredited volunteering programme at Durham University Students’ Union, with The Student Engagement Partnership and the QAA, looking at student engagement in internal quality processes, and more recently, providing Advance HE away day facilitation.

Chris Kuzmicki brings a wealth of unique skills and experiences to our team. His background in research, including qualitative and quantitative data analysis, survey coding, and interview and focus group transcription, is impressive. His extensive work in the public sector and higher education, along with his recent contributions at the University of Brighton, where he conducted research on graduate career opportunities and built relationships with SMEs and the community sector, is a testament to his capabilities. His nine years at the University of Brighton, which included roles at STEM Sussex and Brighton Students’ Union, further demonstrate his diverse skill set.

His academic background includes an MA in critical and cultural theory and an award-winning BA (Hons) in Music. He will present at the upcoming Sonic Rebellions conference in Brighton, where he will speak about music technology and social justice. He is also a fixture of the local Brighton music scene as a musician, sound engineer, and DIY promoter. It will be worth keeping an eye out for his workshops as part of our Reconnect Skills Share projects later this year.

Chris will be joining us full-time to lead our open-access community research project. His expertise and leadership will bring a new level of innovation and success to this initiative. We are thrilled to announce that we will be launching our call for community partners and you can find out more information here!

Sonic Rebellions Conference Link:

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