Layla Tully: Inclusive Artist & Performer
Layla Tully is an Inclusive Artist who collaborates with various local, national and international organisations to facilitate discussion and expression through participatory and educatory projects. Layla’s practice incorporates performance, installation, text and photography to make collections of moments, thoughts and dreams that give us glimpses into the worlds and experiences of others.
University of Brighton Inclusive Arts Folio
‘Layla’s Lockdown’ Performance Work – Missing connection with people, finding myself entrenched in the domestic sphere and at war with new communication technology in the first lockdown, I decided to set myself a challenge to develop my practice and keep meaningful discourse open between my far and close contacts.
CHASE Feminist Network Blog on Layla’s Lockdown Performance: https://chasefeministnetwork.com/2021/01/19/laylas-lockdown/
Artists in our Streets Interview: https://thestreetstoday.wordpress.com/2016/04/04/artists-053-layla-tully/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laylatully.inclusiveartist