The climacteric is a medical term to describe the spectrum of “perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause”.[i] There is a strong medical argument for the increased use of this terminology:
“… we should leave the term ‘menopause’ only for naming the event of cessation of menstruation that will happen later as the consequence of the decline in ovarian activity… that it does not seem proper to wait for the cessation of menstrual bleeding before some intervention is started”[ii]
There are still a great many taboos around menopause, or rather, the climacteric. This includes misdiagnosis and misinformation that are particularly problematic for those entering this transition early or from a trans or non-binary perspective. This research project is a personal journey as well as an academic and creative one into finding routes through this transition that are socially aware. It comes from a desire to find solace and ease in a time of physical and emotional turmoil and to share the routes to these with others.
This research project is interested in actively awareness-raising on this topic, and looking at creative ways of coping in the climacteric, if you are interested and want to get in touch please contact climacteric@magneticideals.org this page will be updated with resources, research and reflections as the project develops.
Short Article: The Darkness of the Lived Menopause…? Hope, Hormones and Mental Health in the light of the Climacteric by Heather McKnight
Wisdom in the Climacteric – Resources for Menopause
Artisic Interactions with the Climacteric
[i] Nimit Taechakraichana et al., “Climacteric: Concept, Consequence and Care,” Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet Thangphaet 85 Suppl 1 (June 2002): S1-15.
[ii] J. E. Blümel et al., “Menopause or Climacteric, Just a Semantic Discussion or Has It Clinical Implications?,” Climacteric: The Journal of the International Menopause Society 17, no. 3 (June 2014): 235–41, https://doi.org/10.3109/13697137.2013.838948.